
The Canadian Shield

1.The Canadian Shield

3.Warm climate. Plants flourish. Flat terrain.




Cold Arctic

1.Cold Arctic regions of Canada, no one is living there,However, it was to travel there.

2.I don't like where it is very cold, I am cold.

3.The region has a beautiful ice, but it was cold, if warm, I think I would like to live here.





6.It is a plant-like places in the grass to see.




1.I have never seen such a tree.

2.It and its beautiful name.

3.I have never seen such a tree.

4.It is very high, not too many leaves, it is beautiful.

5.Some vegetation growing on high mountains.

6.A small amount of rainfall can also make the growth of plant health.

8.There are a lot of trees are very beautiful, they are people like them. Different places have different trees, there are many types. I like them.


Western Cordillera Region

1.Western Cordillera Region

2.This is the Western Cordillera Region, a large and very beautiful.

3.This is the Rocky Mountains. It is beautiful, there will be a lot of people go there to play.

4.Examples of fold mountains are the Himalayas in Asia and the Andes in South America


6.Because it is no one to live, not fit for human living.
7.In the world there are many mountains, they have their charm.I love beautiful places, I very much hope to go there, I think I will.


Canadian Shield

1.This region is very beautiful, very beautiful, is also very strong.


Erosion or soil erosion is a phenomenon of nature is an important reason for deterioration of the natural environment. As the water flows, taking away the soil of the earth's surface, making the land has become barren, bare rock, vegetation damage, ecological deterioration. Erosion can be divided into the weathering, dissolution, erosion, wave erosion, corrosion and handling role.

3.Because it is a great difference from the region.

4.Its great temperature difference will be divided into hot and cold. Hot summer, there will be snow in winter.
5.Its scenery is beautiful, people very happy.
7.Because the ore is very beautiful, but also very profitable.


geographical regions

1.geographical regions 地理区域

2.China is very beautiful, I like it. It is great, there are many people who live here.

3.The same is true Beijing. I also like. I live here, I love my country.



1.Translate 海洋

Yukon Tterritory and British Columbia

New foundland

2. I like the Pacific Ocean and it looks very good and much people go to the Pa
cific Ocean .
3.It's the Atlantic Ocean.It's very beautiful.
4.Earth climate is the most basic type of climate. The general characteristics is affected by the impact of a small continent, by the marine influence. In climate conditions, the temperature, the diurnal changes are more moderate, less years and less than on a small continental climate.
5.Rivers taking the accumulation of silt from entering the low-lying plains. The main feature is the low-lying, undulating gentle, 200 meters above sea level most of the following, the relative height of generally not more than 50 meters, and some only 10 to 20 m.
6.Albarta Edmonton Baslalchawan Regina
7.I know a lot of things in the ocean, I am pleased to.