
New Brunswick

Here you can enjoy the skiing, you can visit some beautiful scenery, rich in taste!

If I have the opportunity to take part in my province I will definitely go! Since I asked for my province is very beautiful, it has a lot of attractive places, I have loved working in my province. I'm looking forward to have time to visit me in my province!

In my province is most important to pay attention to hygiene at all times maintain a clean hygiene. Should pay attention to courtesy, please do not go not to spit, it is not polite. Provinces and cities of my beauty but also a very clean city, you are welcome to visit.

The flag at the top has a boat at sea on sailing, it symbolizes smooth sailing in this province. To allow the province more busy. So that more people come to love this province!

The purple violet is a perennial which flowers from May through July. It is stemless, with leaves and flower stocks growing directly from rootstocks.
The flower was adopted as the New Brunswick floral emblem in 1936, at the request of the provincial Women's Institute.

The black-capped chickadee was proclaimed as the official bird of New Brunswick in August 1983, following a contest conducted by the provincial Federation of Naturalists. A small, tame acrobatic bird, the chickadee is distinctly patterned with a combination of a black cap and bib, white cheeks and buff sides.
This is our clinics to save a village, it is very beautiful, especially in autumn, it has its quiet, where people are harmonious, harmonious coexistence. It will be very envious of
the people living there!

1 条评论:

  1. Alex,

    You should write more of your own English words. Translating is a good idea but it can stop you from improving your English.

    Try and use your English as much as you can.

    You finished the blog entry. Some questions were not answered.

    What surprised you about your province?

